Friday, August 13, 2010

The Killers - Spaceman

Five seconds and I'm already scarred for life. That has to be a new record.

Wow. The new football uniforms are really weird.
I'd tell him to get off the table, but I don't think anyone here really cares.
Crazy Town Gangsters.
They're not like regular gangsters.
"Uh...little help?"
If that isn't the face of a man screaming for help with his eyes, than I don't know what is.
"Guys...come on, dinner's ready....Guys, the food is getting cold!"
"That's it! I'm eating by myself."
It's fun.
Crazy Brandon Flowers
is sick of this fuckery.
The truth behind the Easter Bunny.
"We now switch live to the inside of Bjork's head."
is a three story clusterfuck of batshit.
Are...are those pugs? Why pugs? Actually, why the hell am I even asking?
He's looking at me like that because he knows even in that getup I still find him damn attractive.
Stupid, sexy Flowers.

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